This Fall, Dr. Zinga Fraser will be teaching her course “Race, Gender & Inequality.” Professor Fraser will be drawing on her expertise as a historian, former Congressional staffer, non-profit strategist and Director of the Shirley Chisholm Project to engage students on the present-day consequences of  longstanding structural inequalities.

Emphasis will be placed on how the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbates pre-existing disparities and how it changes our social and political landscape.

WHEN: Fall Semester 2020; Tuesdays & Thursdays,

WHERE: CUNY Brooklyn College


RACE, GENDER & INEQUALITY examines the role RACE and GENDER play in how structural and institutional inequalities exist in the United States. It encourages learning around what race and gender is, why they matter and what can be done to SOLVE these issues. In the current state of a global pandemic and economic downturn, this class teaches students an inter-disciplinary approach to problem-solving which will include the process of developing public policy and plans for political action through advocacy and technology. Thematic issues covered will include: the prison-industrial complex; health disparities; voter suppression; educational inequality; housing discrimination; disaster relief; and the criminalization and demonization of Black women and girls. As a former Congressional staffer and non-profit coordinator as well as the Director of the Shirley Chisholm Project at Brooklyn College, Professor Fraser merges both theory and practice in this course. Students will be asked to formulate their own campaigns to address inequality.

Brooklyn College students can sign up for this course on CUNYFirst

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