Contribute to the Project
Support the Shirley Chisholm Project’s Mission:
The Shirley Chisholm Project is a nonprofit organization. Your support can help us continue our work as stewards of Chisholm’s social, intellectual, political and archival legacy.
The SCP is led by Dr. Zinga A. Fraser, a renowned scholar of the Congresswoman’s life and political work. It is located at Chisholm’s alma mater, Brooklyn College and is the largest repository of oral histories, documents and other archival materials related to Shirley Chisholm’s life. The SCP is sought out by museums, artists, filmmakers, media outlets and academic entities as the leading consultant source on Shirley Chisholm. Furthermore, we publish informative content, conduct original research, and organize educational events surrounding Shirley Chisholm’s life and the issues she championed. Most notably, we hold a Chisholm Day conference every year to commemorate her life.
Your contributions will allow us to:
- Maintain our and grow our physical archives
- Expand our oral history collection
- Continue our free and public programming
- Develop K-12 curriculum related to Shirley Chisholm’s historical legacy
- Fund student internships
“I would like to financially support the Shirley Chisholm Project.”
You may do so by making a tax-deductible contribution through the Brooklyn College Foundation.
To Donate Online:
- Go to: The Brooklyn College Foundation Website.
- Complete the online donation form.
- Specify either a monthly or one-time payment.
- Under the “Apply my gift to:” option, please select “Other (details in comments)“
- Select “Donation”
- In the comment box, you must enter in this information:
“Shirley Chisholm Archive: 30303085.” - Proceed to enter in your payment preference and your personal information before finalizing the transaction.
To Make a Donation Over the Phone:
Contact the Brooklyn College Foundation over the phone at this number:
To Donate by Mail:
- Please make all checks payable to The Brooklyn College Foundation.
- In the memo of the check or in a note included with your contribution, please indicate that your gift supports the Shirley Chisholm Archive: 30303085
- Mail your gift to the following address:The Brooklyn College Foundation
2900 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11210
“I would like to arrange for my company to match my donation.”
Please visit this website to determine whether your company has an eligible matching gifts program. You can also contact the Brooklyn College Foundation at 718.951.5074 or email