The Shirley Chisholm Project hopes that everyone reflects on Nelson Mandela’s legacy of struggle, sacrifice and commitment to social justice. Let’s not turn him into a sanitized icon, but learn from the tremendous obstacles he and his sister and brother South Africans faced in their long and bitterly contested endeavors to end apartheid and attempt to build a more just society. The Project also wishes everyone a healthy, productive and socially just 2014.
The Project continues to collect archival materials and interview people who knew Chisholm. More and more people, and not just scholars, use the library archives, and we continue to get requests from the community, schools, filmmakers, and journalists to use the archive. This year we dedicated the Project to Shirley Chisholm – the teacher, supporter of teachers’ unions, public schools and greater access to higher education. We sponsored activities, such as the Reclaim the Conversation Conference at Barnard College in March, which brought a wide range of educators together to develop strategies to fight against the privatization of public education.
Shirley Chisholm Day, this past November 19th was a HUGE success. Karen Lewis, the President of the Chicago Teachers’ Union was the keynote speaker. She spoke twice to standing room only audiences. Over 600 people altogether attended the events. Professor Zinga Fraser, the endowed postdoctoral scholar gave a tribute to Congressperson Major Owens.

A representative from Hakeem Jeffries gave greetings, as did councilperson (and Brooklyn College alum) Jumaane Williams. As always the members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. were well represented.Barbara Bowen, president of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) the union for CUNY employees, and Liza Featherstone, Belle Zeller Scholar at Brooklyn College and the Nation magazine contributing editor gave moving tributes to Lewis and the fight for public education.
Karen Lewis was inspiring. She made us proud to be teachers, and drew on Chisholm’s legacy of connecting economic and social inequality with the struggle for public education. She praised and encouraged us to go into teaching, to mentor our students, and to continue to fight for our schools and our communities.

Finally, and just out, Shirley Chisholm: Catalyst for Change, Westview Press, is out! You can order it online, of course, but watch our website for details about the book party and YOU are invited!

Please donate to the Shirley Chisholm Project. Your contribution helps build the interactive as well as the documentary archive, organize public events such as Shirley Chisholm Day.
Make checks out to:
The Brooklyn College Foundation, Attn: Shirley Chisholm Archive Project
Brooklyn College, 2900 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11210
YES! I want to make a donation to keep Mrs. Chisholm’s life and legacy alive!
HAPPY NEW YEAR from all of us at the Shirley Chisholm Project!
Barbara Winslow, Project Director
Leslie Anselme, Project Manager
Nila Popal, Project Videographer/Editor